The increasing demand for global mobility and the introduction of new technologies confront the field of aviation with new challenges. With the MSE in Aviation, you are perfectly equipped to answer these challenges with interdisciplinary knowledge.
Professional career outline
By the year 2035, it is expected that the number of passengers travelling by air will double compared to what it is today. In order to be able to meet the future challenges in aviation, the industry and authorities will need to rely on aviation experts familiar with advanced methods in systems and process engineering and a profound understanding of this highly complex environment. Another developing aspect in aviation is the rising number of unmanned aerial vehicles. In order to be able to integrate them into the aviation system as a whole, new procedures are indispensable.
Profile contents
The MSE Aviation profile covers the following content:
- Maintenance, repair and overhaul
- Aviation infrastructure operations
- Unmanned aviation
Details can be found in the profile description.
Institutes and centres
Applying for the MSE you chose an institute or centre to study Aviation. The institutes and centres interpret the profiles individually.
Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP)
Institute of Materials and Process Engineering (IMPE)
Professional skills
Graduating with the MSE Aviation you will be able to manage and implement large and complex aviation projects. Using advanced systems engineering, you model the entire lift cycle process and to apply these skills in aviation projects. You are able to handle complex maters in the field of maintenance and repair engineering as well as modern technologies such as increased automatisation, big data and 3D production. As a graduate, you will evaluate complex systems and integrate them into the existing infrastructure. To this end, you require important competencies in method-based Systems Engineering. Operational processes are planned, introduced and implemented in the short- and long-term planning of airlines and airports with a view to the anticipated digitalisation.
Recommended modules
Technical Scientific Specialisation (TSM):
- Advanced aircraft system design (TSM_AdvAirDes)
- Managing complexity and innovation in aviation (TSM_CompAvi)
- Modelling for aviation infrastructure and future mobility (TSM_ModAvi)
- Systems engineering of safety critical systems (TSM_SafeSys)
Fundamental Theoretical Principles (FTP):
- Applied statistics and data analysis (FTP_AppStat)
- Optimization (FTP_Optimiz)
- Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (FTP_OrdDiff)
- Machine Learning (FTP_MachLe)
Context Modules (CM):
- Management of complex processes (CM)
- Innovations- und Changemanagement (CM_InnChang, will be available in English)
- Unternehmensführung und Entrepreneurship (CM_Entrepr, will be available in English)
Differentiation to bachelor level
In contrast to graduates in the BSc in Aviation, master graduates are able to deal with more challenging and complex projects with many stakeholders and planning tasks. With your additional skills in automation and digitisation, you will gain an in-depth understanding of aviation and develop innovative applications.
Additional information
Information events and application
Information events
Study Application
Registrations for the autumn semester (starting in September) are possible from the beginning of February until the end of April. For the spring semester of the next year (starting in February) from the beginning of August until the end of October.