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School of Engineering

Bachelor's degree Mechanical Engineering

"I naturally still benefit enormously today from the technical knowledge gained during my mechanical engineering studies. I have also learned, however, how project work is planned, how presentations are given, how I can best handle pressure, and how to work in a structured and efficient manner. This is very beneficial to me in my current professional life."

Joël Bourquin, Graduate Mechanical Engineering, CEO Ionplus AG

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Good reasons for choosing the Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering

The Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering at the ZHAW School of Engineering is the right choice if:

Film about the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's degree programme

At a glance

Title: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering UAS Zurich
Workload: 180 ECTS-Credits
Duration: 6 Semester (full-time), 8 Semester (part-time)
Study model: Full-time programme, Part-time programme, Practice-integrated Bachelor programmeinternational profile
Modules in English: Fall semester(PDF 578,5 KB)Spring semester(PDF 531,4 KB) (for more information please visit International Office)
Start of Program: Autumn
Application deadline: 30. April
Location: Winterthur
Language of Instruction: German
Semester Fee: CHF 720 per Semester + additional study costs
Graduate programmes: Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)
Admission: Admission Requirements

Curriculum content of the Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering

The driving force behind technical innovation, mechanical engineering is the frontrunner in the Swiss export industry and numbers among the country's major lines of production, providing a range of exciting tasks. Turbine blades, crane operator seats, medical implants or innovative coatings: mechanical engineers are involved in almost every product that is newly developed and produced.

During the first two years of study, students acquire foundational knowledge in mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering, including subject such as physics and computer science. Students explore fluid and thermodynamics, applied heat transfer as well as measurement and control technology. Parallel to the foundational subjects, students receive the opportunity to implement the knowledge acquired directly in project modules. Products are developed in real-world settings, allowing students to learn all required steps – from the genesis of an idea to the production phase.

Study models

The Bachelor's degree programme can be completed on either a full-time basis, with a duration of three years, or on a part-time basis, with a minimum duration of four years. A maximum employment level of 60% during the lecture period is recommended to students wishing to work while studying part-time.

Graduates of Swiss baccalaureate schools can choose the work-study Bachelor's degree programme, which combines internships and study in a four-year model.

Mechanical Engineering can also be studied in the international profile, which features specialist modules in English and an extended stay abroad during studies. In addition, students have the opportunity to spend an exchange semester at one of our partner universities during their Bachelor's degree programme.

Professional relevance

The Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering is highly relevant to professional practice. From the very first semester, students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in the scope of practice-based projects. In the project and Bachelor's thesis at the end of the study programme, students work independently on current topics and questions, often in collaboration with a company.

The lecturers in the Mechanical Engineering study programme are also active in research and development, and the findings from their projects – generally completed together with business partners – are directly incorporated into their teaching.