Careers after bachelor's degree Mechanical Engineering
As a front runner of the Swiss export industry, mechanical engineering companies are among the most important employers and offer a wide range of job opportunities.
Engineers with a general degree in Mechanical Engineering can choose from a wide range of career opportunities upon completion of their studies. The skills previously mastered will enable you to take on responsible tasks within a very short time.
- You will develop and design innovative products or commission new systems.
- You will be responsible for the design of machines and processes as well as for manufacturing and production.
- Your tests, measurements and simulations will lead to new, efficient and energy-saving processes.
- You will support customers at a global level in solving their tasks and will sell complex technical products.
- As a project leader you will be in charge of management tasks.
Graduate profile
Finding a job and salary expectations after graduating
Young engineers are in high demand on the Swiss job market. Two-thirds start their first job within three months of graduating. The median starting salary is CHF 87'750, depending on the industry and field of specialization. In 2024, the median annual salary for engineers working full-time (100%) amounts to CHF 123'500. (Source: Salaries for Engineers and Architects, 2024/2025)
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Application for the Bachelor programme
Admission requirements
How to prepare yourself for the Bachelor programme
Apply for the Bachelor programme today.
The requirements for admission to the Bachelor programme at the ZHAW School of Engineering.
Learn how you can best prepare yourself for the Bachelor programme.