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School of Engineering

SIgrid: Intelligent energy supply system

The SIgrid (Smart Interlocking Grid) project aims at developing an innovative, intelligent energy supply system. In this system, the energy supply of control and monitoring elements is based on a bus or ring structure.

For conventional interlocking grids, the energy from the signal box to the railway line control and monitoring units is supplied through point-to-point connections over a stretch of several kilometers. The energy efficiency of such cable-intensive - and thus expensive - connections is often not ideal.

The SIgrid (Smart Interlocking Grid) project aims at developing an innovative, intelligent energy supply system. In this system, the energy supply of control and monitoring elements is based on a bus or ring structure. Peripheral short-time energy storages are used as system components. They cover peak loads when needed and facilitate long distance supply. Besides its high energy efficiency, such a system requires less copper lines. Thus, on top of its direct financial and ecological advantages, it also allows to reduce currently increasing infrastructure costs.

Project details

Project start: 01.11.2011

Co-financed by the CTI

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