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School of Engineering

CO-ME: Surgical aid for heart bypass interventions

The aim of the CO-ME (COmputer aided and image guided MEdical interventions) project was to develop a surgical aid for heart bypass operations.

Arteriosclerosis is a pathological transformation of the arteries, inducing a chronic narrowing of the blood vessels (stenosis). When this narrowing affects the coronary vessels, an undersupply of the heart muscles happens (heart attack). Once a certain degree of sclerosis has been reached, the supply can be restored only through a bypass operation.

Placing a natural bypass requires a massive surgical intervention. New, innovative strategies aim at minimizing the impact of such interventions by using minimally invasive surgery. During the CO-ME project, in cooperation with Zurich University Hospital, the IMS developed an anastomosis device (device for the connection of two vessels) that simplifies the sewing process. Instead of manual sewing, a helix needle with impressed filament is led through the tissue in order to tighten the bypass to the coronary artery in a gentle way.

Project details

Project partners:


Links to our project partners:

ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Physical Electronics Lab, Computer Vision Lab)

CO-ME in action:

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Contact IMS:

Prof. Dr. Hans Wernher van de Venn

Prof. Dr. Hans Wernher van de Venn

ZHAW School of Engineering
Institute of Mechatronic Systems
Technikumstrasse 5
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 77 89