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Within this project a new business model for ewz is devised. Both Institute of Sustainable Development (INE) and Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE) support ewz in developing new service provisions for municipalities and regions using the methods of business dynamics and business development approaches.

Ewz’s service should focus on consulting its customers about questions and challenges in the context of energy pilot projects with the goal of exploiting untapped energetic resources and potentials. The goal of this project is the development of a system dynamics model for evaluation and management of energy projects. The model simulates generic interdependencies between stakeholder-management, benefit assessment, cost development, revision loops and resource scarcity. It also allows for an assessment of project quality and development of multiple projects over time. With the model “E-Pfad” utilities can develop individualized solutions for their customers and manage their projects more efficiently.

The project is a parade example how the knowledge and methodical know-how of the SCCER CREST can benefit companies in the transition of the regional energy system while simultaneously promoting the SCCER CRESTs understanding of energy system stakeholder’s needs.

At a glance

Participating institutes and centres:




  • Michael Wurzinger, Daniel Hug

Projectfinancing: EWZ

Projectstatus: 2016 bis 2017