Institute of Computational Physics (ICP)

«We are the specialists in computer simulation. The close collaboration with our partners results in convincing simulation results that generate customer value.»
Prof. Dr. Andreas Witzig, Head of Institute
At the ICP, a team of physicists, mathematicians and engineers works on applying methods and results from basic research to problem areas in industry.
For over 20 years, the ICP has been developing multiphysics computer models on the basis of finite element methods, which can be used, for example, to simulate crowd flows at large events such as the Street Parade or research the stability of ultra-thin solar cells. Furthermore, the ICP operates a laboratory for optoelectronics (OLAB) to develop optoelectronic materials and new optical measurement methods.
Together with partners from the worlds of research and industry, the ICP works on solutions for concrete problems, such as as how coatings can be measured contact-free and how aging processes in fuel cells can be halted.
Your Benefits as an ICP Partner
- holistic modeling of multiphysical phenomena
- complete understanding of the underlying multiphysical processes
- design and implementation of complex physical-mathematical models
- development of customized numerical software for our partners
- full control over the entire modeling process
- expertise in consulting on the entire decision-making process and the various stages of product development
- acceleration of product development and optimization
- anticipation and elimination of possible product defects
- access to simulation and modelling expertise for companies without in-house experience
At First Glance
Approximately 60 employees as well as bachelor and master students
5 research and development areas
- Multiphysics Modeling and Imaging
- Electrochemical Cells and Microstructures
- Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics
- Sensors and Measuring Systems
- Building Simulation
Optoelectronics research and development laboratory (OLAB)
8 spin-off companies
- Coat Checker
- coatmaster AG
- Fluxim AG
- NanoLockin GmbH
- NM Numerical Modelling GmbH
- ReOrbis GmbH
- steasy
- Zarawind
Several partner institutes and industry partners, enabling access to interdisciplinary know-how
Part of 4 Master's degree programs and students' projects
Research Reports
Study and Continuing Education

The ICP contributes important basics, such as physics, mathematics and thermodynamics, as well as specialized modules for the Bachelor's degree program of the School of Engineering. In the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) program, the ICP is active in the following specializations: Energy and Environment, Photonics, Medical Engineering, and Computer Science. The Master's program, jointly developed by the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, is aimed at highly motivated Bachelor's graduates who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in a specific subject area.
This spring semester, we are once again offering our final-year Bachelor students and other interested parties the opportunity to visit the institutes and centres of the School of Engineering. This is a good opportunity to get to know our main research areas, also with regard to a Master's programme.
Registration: Visiting days
In addition, ICP lecturers supervise bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses on computer-aided design and characterization of micro- and nanosystems, sensors, actuators, fuel and solar cells as well as organic light-emitting diodes and solar cells. Most of this work is done in cooperation with industrial partners. An overview of these projects and detailed information on some of them can be found in our annual research reports.
Bachelor's Theses at the ICP
Selected Master's Theses at the ICP
Doctoral Theses at the ICP
Several doctoral theses were supervised at the ICP. Following find a summary of their work. If you are interested in a dissertation at the ICP, please contact us. We always have interesting topics for a dissertation.
Daniel Brunner: An applied investigation of viscosity-density fluid sensors based on torsional resonators To the summary(PDF 268,2 KB)
Markus Regnat: Characterization and Modelling of the Emission Zone and Exciton Dynamics in Doped Organic Light-Emitting Diodes To the summary(PDF 135,6 KB)
Simon Züfle: Degradation Analysis and Parameter Extraction of Organic Semiconductor Devices To the summary(PDF 139,0 KB)
Markus Linder: Characterization and Quantification of Metallic Interconnect Degradation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks To the summary(PDF 89,5 KB)
Evelyne Knapp: Numerical Methods for Comprehensive Characterization of Charge Transport in Organic Light-Emitting Devices To the summary(PDF 123,0 KB)
Omar Pecho: Relationships between 3D topology and reaction kinetics in SOFC electrodes To the summary(PDF 143,3 KB)
Thomas Lanz: Computational Modeling of Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells and Modules To the summary(PDF 193,7 KB)
The ICP is part of a comprehensive research network and will find the right project partner for your project. We offer you access to experimental facilities and simulation tools. We also know how interdisciplinary projects are successfully realized for industrial partners. Please direct your inquiries to Beat Ruhstaller.
Project Partners
- Adolphe Merkle Institute
- Ajou University, Molecular Science and Technology, South Korea
- Avantama AG
- EMPA Abteilung Funktionspolymere
- EPFL Interdisciplinary Centre for Electron Microscopy CIME
- EPFL Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces LPI
- EPFL Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory PV-Lab
- ETH Institute for Building Materials IfB
- ETH Laboratory of Food Process Engineering
- ETH Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy
- Fluxim AG
- FZ Jülich
- Holst Centre
- InnoQD
- Max Felchlin AG
- Mettler Toledo
- Nagra
- PSI Electrochemistry Laboratory
- Rainbow Photonics AG
- Sookmyung Women’s University
- Ulm University, Institute of Stochastics
- Volkswagen AG
- WSL-Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF
Partner Institutes at the ZHAW
- IAMP Institut für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
- IDP Institut für Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign
- IEFE Institute for Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering
- IMPE Institute of Materials and Process Engineering
- INE Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung
- ISC Institute for Signal Processing and Wireless Communications
- ZPP Zentrum für Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung
Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research
The ICP also participates at the Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER) in the field of mobility.
Marmet, Philip; Hocker, Thomas; Boiger, Gernot K.; Grolig, Jan G.; Bausinger, Holger; Mai, Andreas; Fingerle, Mathias; Reeb, Sarah; Brader, Joseph M.; Holzer, Lorenz,
Composite conductivity of MIEC-based SOFC anodes : implications for microstructure optimization [paper].
15th European SOFC & SOE Forum 2022, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5-8 July 2022.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from:
Wilcox, Logan M.; Bonmarin, Mathias; Donnell, Kristen M.,
Pulsed-active microwave thermography [paper].
2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Ottawa, Canada, 16-19 May 2022.
pp. 1-6.
Available from:
Mixed conductivity in organic and hybrid materials.
Gordon Research Seminar “Electronic Processes in Organic Materials", Lucca, Italy, 25-26 June 2022.
Herrendörfer, Robert; Cochet, Magali; Schumacher, Jürgen,
Simulation of mass and heat transfer in an evaporatively cooled PEM fuel cell.
15(8), pp. 2734.
Available from:
Gorshkov, Vyacheslav N.; Tereshchuk, Volodymyr V.; Bereznykov, Oleksii V.; Boiger, Gernot K.; Fallah, Arash S.,
12(9), pp. 1411.
Available from:
Further Information
Spontaneous application
We are always looking for talented employees who are enthusiastic about interdisciplinary research in our research areas.
Spontaneous application
We are always looking for talented employees who are enthusiastic about interdisciplinary research in our research areas.