OpenFOAM for Multiphysics Applications
Das Team OpenFOAM for Multiphysics Applications am ICP benutzt, entwickelt und erweitert OpenFOAM-basierte Multiphysik-Software, zur simulationsbasierten Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung.
Über uns
Unser dynamisches Team, geleitet von Professor Gernot Boiger, besteht aus ca. 10 wissenschaftlichen AssistentInnen, wissenschaftlichen MitarbeiterInnen und Ph.D. KandidatInnen. Wir beschäftigen uns mit der numerischen Modell-Entwicklung und Simulation von strömungsdominierten Systemen, welche zusätzlich gekoppelte mechanische-, thermische-, elektro-dynamische-, partikel-dynamische- und/oder chemische Multiphysikphänomene aufweisen. Mit dem Ziel höchste Anwendungsrelevanz für unsere Industriepartner zu erreichen, nutzen wir ausserdem neuste Methoden des High-Performance Cloud-Computing, welche uns erlauben, Parameterstudien, Optimierungsläufe und Ensemble Computing in Rekordzeit durchzuführen. Unsere Hauptaufgabe sehen wir darin, unsere hoch-modernen Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung fundierter, schneller, umfassender, verständlicher und vorallem anwendbarer Lösungen für unsere Industriepartner zu nutzen. Unsere Erfolge der vergangenen 10 Jahre stehen dabei für sich.
Modellierungen für Anwendungen von Medtech- und Pharma-Unternehmen
Modellieren von partikelbeladenen Strömungen
Prozesse, Geräte, Sensoren und Armaturen
Paralleles Cloud Computing
Beiträge in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift, peer-reviewed
Gorshkov, Vyacheslav N.; Bereznykov, Oleksii V.; Boiger, Gernot K.; Sareh, Pooya; Fallah, Arash S.,2022. Acoustic metamaterials with controllable bandgap gates based on magnetorheological elastomers.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.238(107829). Verfügbar unter:
Gorshkov, Vyacheslav N.; Tereshchuk, Volodymyr V.; Bereznykov, Oleksii V.; Boiger, Gernot K.; Fallah, Arash S.,2022. Dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional structures under roughening transition stimulated by external irradiation.Nanomaterials.12(9), S. 1411. Verfügbar unter:
Mehreganian, Navid; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Fallah, Arash, 2021. Dynamic analysis of cylindrical shells subject to multiple blasts using FSI. The International Journal of Multiphysics. 15(4), S. 453-476. Verfügbar unter:
Zubiaga, Asier; Madsen, Synne; Khawaja, Hassan; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2021. Atmospheric contamination of coastal cities by the exhaust emissions of docked marine vessels : the case of Tromsø. Environments 8(9), S. 88. Verfügbar unter:
Andleeb, Zahra; Malik, Sohail; Hussain, Ghulam; Khawaja, Hassan; Roemer, Jakub; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, 2020. Multiphysics study of infrared thermography (IRT) applications.The International Journal of Multiphysics. 14(3), S. 249-272. Verfügbar unter:
Brunner, Daniel; Goodbread, Joe; Häusler, Klaus; Kumar, Sunil; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Khawaja, Hassan A., 2020. Analysis of a tubular torsionally resonating viscosity–density sensor. Sensors. 20(11), S. 3036. Verfügbar unter:
Andleeb, Zahra; Strand, Cathrine Høgmo; Malik, Sohail; Hussain, G.; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, 2020. Multiphysics analysis of CFRP Charpy tests by varying temperatures. The International Journal of Multiphysics. 14(2), S. 143-160. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Lienhard, Viktor; Boldrini, Marlon; Siyahhan, Bercan; Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, 2020. Multiphysics Eulerian-Lagrangian electrostatic particle spray- and deposition model for OpenFOAM® and KaleidoSim® cloud-platform. The International Journal of Multiphysics. 14(1), S. 1-15. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Buff, Vincent; Sharman, Darren; Boldrini, Marlon; Lienhard, Viktor; Drew, Dominic, 2020. Simulation-based investigation of tar formation in after-treatment systems for biomass gasification. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 11(1), S. 39-56. Verfügbar unter:
Zubiaga, Asier; Brunner, Daniel; Sager, Fabian; Clemens, Mirjam; Koepf, Ellen; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2019. Faraday instability in small vessels under vertical vibration. The International Journal of Multiphysics. 13(1), S. 61-71. Verfügbar unter:
Buchbeiträge, peer-reviewed
Gorshkov, Vyacheslav N.; Tereshchuk, Volodymyr V.; Bereznykov, Oleksii V.; Boiger, Gernot K.; Fallah, Arash S., 2022. Self-ordering in the dynamics of forming periodic 1D-structures controlled by external irradiation . In: Jackson, Tenderwealth Clement, ed., Prime Archives in Nanotechnology. Hyderabad: Vide Leaf. Verfügbar unter:
Brunner, Daniel; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Khawaja, Hassan, 2021. Investigation of torsional vibration using weak FSI capabilities. In: Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Rahulan, Thurai; Khawaja, Hassan, Hrsg., Multiphysics Simulations in Automotive and Aerospace Applications. Academic Press. S. 65-91. Multiphysics : Advances and Applications. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Application and results : filter fibre engineering. In: Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, Hrsg., Multiphysics Modelling of Fluid-Particulate Systems. Elsevier. S. 273-279. Multiphysics: Advances and Applications. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Conclusion and vision. In: Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, Hrsg., Multiphysics Modelling of Fluid-Particulate Systems. Elsevier. S. 281-282. Multiphysics: Advances and Applications. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Introduction : large, (non-)spherical particle modeling in the context of fluid filtration applications. In: Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, Hrsg., Multiphysics Modelling of Fluid-Particulate Systems. Elsevier. S. 109-113. Multiphysics: Advances and Applications. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Methodology : large (non)spherical particle modeling in the context of fluid filtration applications. In: Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, Hrsg., Multiphysics Modelling of Fluid-Particulate Systems. Elsevier. S. 115-248. Multiphysics: Advances and Applications. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Validation : experimental and semi-analytical. In: Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba, Hrsg., Multiphysics Modelling of Fluid-Particulate Systems. Elsevier. S. 249-272. Multiphysics: Advances and Applications. Verfügbar unter:
Konferenzbeiträge, peer-reviewed
Marmet, Philip; Hocker, Thomas; Boiger, Gernot K.; Grolig, Jan G.; Bausinger, Holger; Mai, Andreas; Fingerle, Mathias; Reeb, Sarah; Brader, Joseph M.; Holzer, Lorenz, 2022. Composite conductivity of MIEC-based SOFC anodes : implications for microstructure optimization [paper]. In: 15th European SOFC & SOE Forum 2022, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5-8 July 2022. Winterthur: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Siyahhan, Bercan; Lienhard, Viktor; Boldrini, Marlon; Drew, Dominic, 2021. A massive simultaneous cloud computing platform for OpenFOAM [Paper]. In: 9th OpenFOAM Conference, online, 19-20 October 2021. ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Verfügbar unter:
Zubiaga, Asier; Kirsch, Christoph; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Bonmarin, Mathias, 2021. A simple instrument to measure the thermal transport properties of the human skin [Paper]. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Lausanne, Switzerland, 23-25 June 2021. IEEE. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Buff, Vincent; Zubiaga, Asier; Fassbind, Adrian; Caels, Pedro, 2019. Investigating tar formation at low pressures in wood gasification systems, applying a novel thermo-chemical simulation model [Paper]. In: Müller, Stephan; Fuchs, Michael, Hrsg., Proceedings of the ICPS19 : 5th international conference on polygeneration strategies. ICPS19 - 5th International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, Vienna, 18-20 November 2019. Vienna: Verein zur Förderung zukunftsfähiger Energietechnik auf Basis der Polygenerationsstrategie aus Biomasse. S. 134-142. Verfügbar unter:
Madsen, Synne; Zubiaga, Asier; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2019. CFD modelling of pollutant transport from a docked marine vessel [Poster]. In: Multiphysics 2019. International Conference of Multiphysics, Dubai, UAE, 14-15 December 2019. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 62. Verfügbar unter:
Zubiaga, Asier; Brunner, Daniel; Sager, Fabian; Clemens, Mirjam; Koepf, Ellen; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2019. Evaluation of Faraday instabilities in small vessels [Paper]. In: 7th ESI Open FOAM Conference, Berlin, Germany, 15 - 17 October 2019. ESI Group.
Weitere Publikationen
Schubiger, Alain; van Oerle, Dario; Boiger, Gernot, 2022. Developing a fast cloud-based simulation workflow for the full aerodynamic evaluation of airborne vehicles [poster]. In: Multiphysics 2022. International Conference of Multiphysics, Oslo, Norway, 15-16 December 2022. International Society of Multiphysics. pp. 60. Available from:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Michel Rivero, Jhimy; Siyahhan, Bercan; Lienhard, Viktor; Boldrini, Marlon, 2021. Tutorial on OpenFOAM & kaleidosim : computational parameter study of 300 cases in 25 min with kaleidoscope feature. ZHAW School of Engineering, ICP Institute of Computational Physics. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Michel Rivero, Jhimy; Lienhard, Viktor, 2021. Tutorial on OpenFOAM & kaleidosim : EVAL function to rotate a wind channel. ZHAW School of Engineering, ICP Institute of Computational Physics. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Michel Rivero, Jhimy; Lienhard, Viktor; Boldrini, Marlon, 2021. Tutorial on OpenFoam & kaleidosim : creating Python macro for paraview based post-processing in the cloud. ZHAW School of Engineering, ICP Institute of Computational Physics. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Michel Rivero, Jhimy; Lienhard, Viktor, 2021. Tutorial on OpenFOAM & kaleidosim : introducing the kaleidoscope feature. ZHAW School of Engineering, ICP Institute of Computational Physics. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Michel Rivero, Jhimy; Siyahhan, Bercan; Boldrini, Marlon; Lienhard, Viktor, 2021. Tutorial on OpenFOAM & kaleidosim : compile and run custom OpenFOAM solvers in the cloud using kaleidosim. ZHAW School of Engineering, ICP Institute of Computational Physics. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Michel Rivero, Jhimy, 2021. Tutorial on OpenFOAM & kaleidosim : live demo of speeding up OpenFOAM parameter study by factor 50. ZHAW School of Engineering, ICP Institute of Computational Physics. Verfügbar unter:
Mündliche Konferenzbeiträge und Abstracts
Siyahhan, Bercan; Boiger, Gernot, 2022. The modelling of substrate surface interactions in a Eulerian-Lagrangian multiphysics solver and its impact on powder coating pattern prediction. In: Multiphysics 2022. International Conference of Multiphysics, Oslo, Norway, 15-16 December 2022. International Society of Multiphysics. pp. 46. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot; Siyahhan, Bercan; Sharman, Darren; Cabrera, Alejandro, 2022. A multiphysics-simulation-based study of process-parameter-impact on key-performance-attributes of the powder coating of u-profiles. In: Multiphysics 2022. International Conference of Multiphysics, Oslo, Norway, 15-16 December 2022. International Society of Multiphysics. pp. 44. Verfügbar unter:
Schubiger, Alain; van Oerle, Dario; Boiger, Gernot, 2022. Development of a fast cloud-based simulation workflow for the complete aerodynamic evaluation of aircraft. In: Multiphysics 2022. International Conference of Multiphysics, Oslo, Norway, 15-16 December 2022. International Society of Multiphysics. pp. 26. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2022. Keynote Address ICM22: Multiphysics simulation of particle clouds in coating : the long journey from modelling to validated industrial application. In: Multiphysics 2022. International Conference of Multiphysics, Oslo, Norway, 15-16 December 2022. International Society of Multiphysics. pp. 16. Verfügbar unter:
Siyahhan, Bercan; Boiger, Gernot, 2022. coatSim : a simulation based digital solution for optimization of production processes for particle-laden flows. In: WCPT9 Abstracts' Book. 9th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT), Madrid, Spain, 18-22 September 2022. Madrid: National Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Spain (ANQUE). pp. 158-159.
Hostettler, Marco; Stingelin, Simon; De Lorenzi, Flavio; Füchslin, Rudolf Marcel; Jacomet, Cyrill; Koll, Stephan; Wilhelm, Dirk; Boiger, Gernot, 2022. Modelling of peristaltic pumps for viscoelastic tube material properties under consideration of fatigue effects. In: Multiphysics 2022. International Conference of Multiphysics, Oslo, Norway, 15-16 December 2022. International Society of Multiphysics. pp. 33. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Sharman, Darren; Drew, Dominic, 2021. KaleidoSim : massive simultaneous cloud computing for multiphysics simulations. In: Multiphysics 2021. International Conference of Multiphysics, Online, 9-10 December 2021. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 29. Verfügbar unter:
Marmet, Philip; Holzer, Lorenz; Hocker, Thomas; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Hilden, Janine; Reeb, Sarah; Fingerle, Mathias, 2021. Generation of virtual three-phase structures based on Gaussian random fields : an important option for Digital Materials Design of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes. In: GeoDict User Meeting 2021 Book of Abstracts. 10. GeoDict User Meeting, online, 4.-8. Oktober 2021. Kaiserslautern: Math2Market. S. 22. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2021. A unified approach on teaching and modelling 1D dynamic Multiphysics systems. In: NAFEMS World Congress 2021, Salzburg (online), 25-29 October 2021. Verfügbar unter:
Brunner, Daniel; Goodbread, Joe; Häusler, Klaus; Kumar, Sunil; Khawaja, Hassan; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Modelling a viscosity-density sensor based on small amplitude torsional vibrations. In: Multiphysics 2020. International Conference of Multiphysics, Online, 11-12 December 2020. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 23. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Everitt, Matthew; Sharman, Darren; Boldrini, Marlon, 2020. Massive simultaneous cloud computing (MSCC) for multiphysics-simulation applications. In: Multiphysics 2020. International Conference of Multiphysics, Online, 11-12 December 2020. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 59. Verfügbar unter:
Hostettler, Marco; Brunner, Daniel; Rosenthal, Florian; Clemens, Mirjam; Koepf, Ellen; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Analysis of falling droplets into resting liquid and resulting shear stresses. In: Multiphysics 2020. International Conference of Multiphysics, Online, 11-12 December 2020. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 50. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Lienhard, Viktor; Buff, Vincent; Siyahhan, Bercan, 2020. Development and validation of a Eulerian-Lagrangian model to predict particle motion and deposition in electrostatic fields. In: Invited Talk/Lecture at NIC National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 January 2020. Boiger,
Gernot Kurt; Lienhard, Viktor; Buff, Vincent; Siyahhan, Bercan, 2020. On establishing and applying a system dynamic modeling method in the context of investigating tar formation within wood gasification systems. In: Invited Talk/Lecture at NIC National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 January 2020.
Lienhard, Viktor; Boldrini, Marlon; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2020. Simulation based investigation of an electrostatic method for deflecting charged particle clouds. In: Invited Talk/Lecture at NIC National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 January 2020
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Buff, Vincent; Zubiaga, Asier; Caels, Pedro, 2019. Conference talk on investigating tar formation at low pressures in wood gasification systems, applying a novel thermo-chemical simulation model. In: Proceedings of the ICPS19 : 5th international conference on polygeneration strategies. ICPS19 - 5th International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, Vienna, 18-20 November 2019.
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2019. Modeling particle clouds in coating applications : the long road from qualitative modeling to fully validated industrial applicability. In: Modeling Particle Clouds in Powder Coating, AlGhurair University, Dubai, UAE, 12th September 2019. Verfügbar unter:
Brunner, Daniel; Goodbeard, J.; Kumar, S.; Khawaja, H. A.; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2019. Investigation of modal distortion and temporal effects in torsional resonators. In: Multiphysics 2019. International Conference of Multiphysics, Dubai, UAE, 14-15 December 2019. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 22. Verfügbar unter:
Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2019. On the equivalence of a system dynamic method for modelling multiphysics systems and the Tetrahedron-of-State-Concept within the Bond graph modelling approach.£ In: Multiphysics 2019. International Conference of Multiphysics, Dubai, UAE, 14-15 December 2019. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 20. Verfügbar unter:
Zubiaga, Asier; Khawaja, H. A.; Boiger, Gernot Kurt, 2019. Simulation of contamination by exhaust emissions from docked marine vessels. In: Multiphysics 2019. International Conference of Multiphysics, Dubai, UAE, 14-15 December 2019. International Society of Multiphysics. S. 33. Verfügbar unter: