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Life Sciences und
Facility Management

Short Reportage in CHIMIA: A new Approach in the Fight against Cancer

Dr. Markus Rimann published a text about the collaboration with FGen, University Hospital Zürich and ZHAW.

Abstract: A happy coincidence brought Dr Markus Rimann from ZHAW Waedenswil together with Dr Andreas Meyer from the start-up FGen and PD Dr Emanuela Felley-Bosco, Molecular Oncologist at Zurich University Hospital, to develop a technology platform for the manufacture and high throughput analysis of single mesothelioma spheroids. Armin Picenoni, former student in Chemistry for the Life Sciences at ZHAW, confirmed everything in writing his Master Thesis on this Innosuisse project.

Rimann M, ZHAW Waedenswil: A new Approach in the Fight against Cancer, CHIMIA 2018, 72, No. 3: 166–168, doi:10.2533/chimia.2018.166