Projects in this section will focus on the sustainable implementation of biocatalysis in industry and collaboration between academia and industry beyond 2020.
Call closed 07.01.2020
Call «Sustainability»
The call will support two projects for up to 10 months which are dedicated to ensure the sustainability of the network program “Innovation in Biocatalysis” and to establish a roadmap for the contribution of biocatalysis to a Swiss bioeconomy.
- Concept on how to use the network program “Innovation in Biocatalysis” beyond 2020 by application for a possible successor program (NTN, NFP, European funding scheme or other) in consideration of academic and industrial biocatalysis stakeholders in Switzerland.
Desired outcome: (Submitted) project proposal
- Roadmap “Contribution of biocatalysis to a Swiss bioeconomy” focusing on the contribution of biocatalysis to the existing value creation chains, on the potential of biocatalysis for the creation of novel value creation chains and evaluation of the relevant contributing stakeholders from Swiss science, industry (including SMEs) and society.
Desired outcome: (Published) White Paper.
Support Criteria and Funding
The host institutes of the successful applicants contribute equal funds (50:50 co-financing) to the projects.
Submitting a proposal
Proposals must be written in English and contain the following information and documents:
- Summary: ≤ 1 page incl. clear description of objectives pertinent to the call
- Project description: ≤ 2 pages covering
- Current state in the field/ funding landscape
- Information and innovation potential of the project
- Added benefits for the biocatalysis community
- Detailed project plan with goals, approaches and outcomes
- Timeline, milestones and deliverables ≤ 1 page indicating complementary and expected synergies between collaborators
- Budget ≤1 page
- CV of applicants: ≤1 page per applicant
- Support letter from institute or department head to ensure 50:50 funding
Detailed information
Applications will be evaluated by a dedicated Working Group «Sustainability» composed of experts in the field. On the basis of the recommendation of the Working Groups, the Scientific Board will decide on the funding of the projects according to the available budget.