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CHIMIA article on «Innovation in Biocatalysis – A Swiss Network Project Coordinated by the Competence Center for Biocatalysis (CCBIO)»

The project «Innovation in Biocatalysis» aims to create a network for dynamic and innovative biocatalysis in Switzerland.

The December issue of CHIMIA features an article on «Innovation in Biocatalysis – A Swiss Network Project Coordinated by the Competence Center for Biocatalysis (CCBIO)».

The project «Innovation in Biocatalysis» aims to create a network for dynamic and innovative biocatalysis in Switzerland. And to develop transdisciplinary expertise between the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, micro- and molecular biology and engineering.

The Swiss Higher Education Council in the frame of project-based contributions 2017–2020 supports the network project «Innovation in Biocatalysis». Three areas of particular importance, namely «Research Projects’, Curricular Elements and Sustainability», were identified for support by the program and eleven projects selected for funding in October 2017.

CHIMIA (2017) 71 (12), 866-871

DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2017.866