TEDD Partner Highlights
abc biopply

abc biopply is the leading Swiss industrial partner specialized in the standardisation of biological components and complex cellular systems.
With 3D CoSeedis™ , abc biopply sets new standards in translational cell culture technologies. We implement standardised protocols that are fulfilling regulatory requirements without jeopardising cellular behaviour. Our unique solutions are validated by experts to shorten the transition from basic to clinical research and from crude to defined experimental conditions. We support the development of standard applications and protocols, and the translation of your technology into commercial kits.
Our services include development, manufacturing, marketing, and commercialisation processes for cellular and molecular technology platforms. Our solutions fulfil the requirements of both, pharmaceutical and clinical applications.
Contact us and tell us what you need!

Standardisation of Complex Cell Culture Systems
abc biopply is specialised in standardising complex cell culture systems such as 3 D and organotypic cell culture models (e.g. angiogenesis, skin and airway models). Furthermore, abc biopply helps its customers in the transition of research to clinic, hence we offer a comprehensive portfolio supporting clinical applications, e.g. defined and/or serum-free cell culture media, GMP grade compounds and factors, specialised freezing media, and so on.
abc biopply also collaborates with many international partners in order to provide a broad collection of primary cells, both from animals and human sources. We have a vast number of cells available of the shelf but can also isolate them upon request and following defined specifications. We thereby follow the strictest compliance regulations in accordance to Swiss legislation. And abc biopply offers specialised media developed and designed specifically to work under defined conditions (including xeno- and serum free media).

Contact us
abc biopply ag
Weissensteinstrasse 81, CH-4500 Solothurn, Switzerland
Address Production / R & D / Logistics:
abc biopply ag
Gewerbestrasse 8, CH-6330 Cham
+41 41 747 25 50