TEDD Partner Highlights
The Interface Group

The Interface Group is part of the Institute of Physiology at the University of Zurich. Our vision is to answer fundamental questions of physiology and address clinical needs through the convergence of engineering, biological and medical research. The tools used in our research include, but are not limited to, computational fluid dynamics, structural finite element analysis, and live cell microscopy.

The translatability of in vitro findings to in vivo has been and still often is an in issue in medical / biological research. With the aim of improving translatability of in vitro in vitro studies, The Interface Group has partnered up with TrollLABS at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim to develop a next-generation, all-in-one system for culturing and live observation of mammalian cells exposed to physiological flow. The standalone system includes heater, bubble-trap, and specific control systems for various flow conditions, all the while being compatible with common microscopes for a cell biological readout. With this device, we aim to push cell culture experiments to the next level by enabling, in a very user-friendly manner, rapid and robust experiments closer to the real physiological situation. Advanced testing of this new device with production experiments is currently ongoing, and we invite interested research groups to join our test program.

Contact us
Address: The Interface Group, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich
Website: http://interfacegroup.ch/