This project was part of LEONARDO DA VINCI (EU & CH)
Today, as a result of rapid population growth, increased food requirements and proceeding urbanization, the area of agricultural land is rapidly declining and our oceans are over-fished. To meet future demands for food, there is need for innovative, space-saving, and ecological technologies in food production. Aquaponic is a sustainable food production method, which combines aquaculture of fish with hydroponic cultivation of plants (without soil) using a closed water cycle. It’s major benefits are a reduction of fresh water consumption to a minimum, efficient use of nutrients and guaranteed product safety because the process uses neither antibiotics nor pesticides. Another advantage of the method is the opportunity to produce food right where it is consumed – in the cities (urban farming), what will gain even more relevance in the future regarding the predicted decline in farmland ( Thus, aquaponic is an ecological and climate-friendly method for producing high nutritional food and at the same time meeting the today’s demands of consumers for a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. The technique opens up new perspectives in introducing new «green jobs».
AQUAVET Partners are member of the COST Action FA1305: The EU Aquaponics Hub