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Call for submission to BMC Biomedical Engineering from Prof. Raghunath

BMC Biomedical Engineering invites you to submit to our new thematic series: Engineering and Analysis of Complex Tissue and Disease Models.

Dear TEDD-Partners, colleagues and friends,

We had an exciting TEDD AM last week with a great turnout of attendants and exhibitors. Speakers were excellent and shared their insights on read-out approaches to tissue and disease models. 

Fortuitously, I am guest editor for an upcoming special issue in BMC Biomedical Engineering on Engineering and Analysis of Complex Tissue and Disease Models. My co-editor is Ros Abbott from Carnegie Mellon. More info: https://www.biomedcentral.com/collections/eactdm  

As you can see, this special issue would be a perfect vessel for the topic and talks of our TEDD AM last week! This issue would be an excellent opportunity to showcase activities from the TEDD community. Would you have a research article in the pipeline that would fit into this thematic issue? If you do, please let me know by 30 November 2018, and I am happy to consider it and direct you towards submission. 

I am inundated daily with invites to publish in new and strange OA journals, and so are you. However, as this is BMC from SpringerNature, I accepted to serve as guest editor. It is a relatively young journal, but I would expect to see the IF rise nicely. I see this particular issue as an opportunity to disseminate work from the TEDD community to a broader audience, for example, fellow scientists from the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine field (f. e. TERMIS). Alex Houssein from BMC Biomed Eng has recently blogged about the TERMIS world meeting in Kyoto, also mentioning my recent book chapter on macromolecular crowding for tissue engineering. http://blogs.biomedcentral.com/bmcseriesblog/2018/09/24/call-unity-termis-2018/

I am sure we will be able to engage BMC Biomedical Engineering during our TEDD presence (TEDD symposia and stall) during the upcoming TEMIS –EU meeting end of May in Rhodes, Greece. 

It is becoming clear, that the thematic focus of TEDD on industrial tissue engineering, 3D physiological tissue models and 3R, is timely and generating interest from other scientific communities.

Let us hone this interest and let us draw attention to TEDD. Please check out the link to the special issue and let me know whether you be able to contribute, preferably a research article as we have sufficient reviews already.

 I look forward to hearing from you,

Best regards, Michael

Prof. Dr. Michael Raghunath
+41 (0) 58 934 55 18