TEDD Competence Centre - Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing
Education, R&D and networking platform promoting the application of 3D organotypic technologies for therapies development, with the core goal of replacing animal experimentation according to 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in the long term.
TEDD Events 2025

Past Events: TEDD Visit to Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering D-BSSE

TEDD Partnership Fee 2025
Yearly TEDD Partnership fee 2025 is CHF 500.
TEDD Partnership conditions:
- Two people from TEDD Partner organization can attend TEDD events free of charge. Subsequent people from this organization will receive a 50% discount for that event.
- TEDD Partnership period is from January to December of the given year.
- TEDD Partnership extends for the following year unless cancelled.
- TEDD Partner can cancel partnership latest on 30 November of the current year effective next year by sending us an email on info.tedd@zhaw.ch.
About TEDD

TEDD (Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing) is an education, R&D and networking platform promoting the application of 3D organotypic technologies, with the core goal of replacing animal experimentation for therapies development. Based in Switzerland, TEDD is one of its kind in Europe focused on 3D for 3Rs. The community is composed of international members from academia, clinics, industry and non-profits. Training of members is achieved through regular events at the national and international level, including workshops, symposia, company visits, scientific reviews and we provide a platform to generate research consortia, projects and grant applications.
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