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EFSA: Updated guidance documents for novel foods & traditional foods from third countries

The updated guidance documents for novel foods and for traditional foods from third countries were adopted at the 150th plenary meeting of the NDA panel with the expected publication by the end of September 2024. Their implementation will begin with all new applications submitted to the European Commission as of 1 February 2025.

The updated guidance documents reflect recent EU regulatory updates in the novel food area, consider advances in food research and innovation, and capitalise on EFSA’s increased experience in assessing novel foods and traditional foods since the centralisation of the process in January 2018. 

The scientific areas covered in relation to novel food include compositional data, identity, production process, toxicological information, exposure, nutritional information, and allergenicity. In addition to these, the traditional food guidance also updates requirements for data on experience of continued use.

The goal is that the guidance documents remain practical and up-to-date tools for applicants as well as reference documents for risk assessors.

EFSA - European Food Safety Authority

EFSA - 150th Plenary meeting of the NDA Panel - Open Plenary (incl. Links zu den Dokumenten)