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EU: New rules to allow safe slaughtering on the farm, in response to increasing demands from farmers

New measures to allow some animals to be slaughtered on farms, subject to stringent conditions, will soon enter into force in the EU.

This follows Member States’ endorsement of the proposal in December and the conclusion of the subsequent adoption procedure. The new rules respond to increasing demands from farmers, seeking to reduce the stress of animals and to avoid hygiene issues that arise during the transport of the animals to the slaughterhouse. One of the aims of on-farm slaughter is to avert any risk for the handler and to prevent injuries to the animals during transport. As such, the measures are targeted towards animals living in free range conditions, who are not used to being handled and confined.

The new rules, which will enter into force next month, allow stunning and bleeding on the farm for sheep and goats, with such slaughter now allowed for any pig, cattle, horse, sheep or goat as the restriction of a possible risk for the handler or the animal is lifted. Strict hygiene rules will apply, such as the presence of an official veterinarian (OV) and an agreement between the slaughterhouse and the animal owner.

European Commission - Newsroom (News of 19/04/2024)

Eur-Lex - Der Zugang zum EU-Recht (Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2024/1141 der Kommission vom 14. Dezember 2023 zur Änderung der Anhänge II und III der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 853/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates betreffend spezifische Hygienevorschriften für bestimmtes Fleisch, Fischereierzeugnisse, Milcherzeugnisse und Eier)