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FSSC 22000 Quality audits no longer possible

Previously, in Version 5.1 of the Scheme, the Foundation offered FSSC 22000 – Quality, which allowed organizations to integrate food quality management into the scope of their FSSC 22000 certification. This included a full ISO 9001:2015 audit being added to the existing FSSC 22000 Scheme.

With the commencement of Version 6, a decision was taken to discontinue the FSSC 22000-Quality Program, and as a result the Foundation defined the FSSC 22000-Quality transition plan within the Version 6 Upgrade Process document.

This included that from the 1st of April 2024 no further FSSC 22000-Quality audits can be delivered; and following the 2024 regular audit, the FSSC 22000-Quality certificate will be replaced with an FSSC 22000 certificate with the same cycle and expiry date as the previous FSSC-Quality certificate.
