48th European Rotorcraft Forum
Winterthur, Switzerland, 6. - 8. September 2022

The European Rotorcraft Forum is one of the premier events in the rotorcraft community’s calendar bringing together manufacturers, research centres, academia, operators and regulatory agencies to discuss advances in research, development, design, manufacturing, testing and operation of rotorcraft. The 48th European Rotorcraft Forum will take place for the first time in Winterthur, Switzerland, from 6 to 8 September 2022. The ERF will be organised by the Centre for Aviation (ZAV) of the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, under the auspices of the Swiss Association of Aeronautical Sciences (SVFW).
The agenda for the 48th European Rotorcraft Forum is as following:
- 1. Day - 5th September: Arrival
- 2. Day - 6th September: Forum, 1st Day
- 3. Day - 7th September: Forum, 2nd Day
- 4. Day - 8th September: Forum, last day
- 5. Day - 9th September: Visit to selected Swiss Industry / Operators (optional)
The ZAV, located in the city center of Winterthur, is the leading scientific research facility for manned and unmanned aviation in Switzerland. More than 30 staff members conduct research in the areas of Aircraft Technologies and Aviation Operations. Researchers at the ZAV lecture in the Bachelor and Master of Science in Aviation programs of the ZHAW School of Engineering, which is one of 8 departments of the ZHAW. The ZAV is participating in the Aviation Research Centre Switzerland (ARCS) in order to promote collaboration between all stakeholders relevant for aviation in Switzerland like the Federal Office of Civil Aviation, the air navigation service provider skyguide and leading manufacturer like Kopter.
Group photos
While the current military action in Ukraine is ongoing, we do not consider that it is possible for Russian involvement in the conference to continue. Therefore, we have decided that abstracts originating from Russia will not be considered for the 2022 ERF, and that applications for registration at the conference by Russian nationals will be declined until further notice.
This decision has been made by the members of the ERF International Committee in that capacity alone, and it does not necessarily reflect the position of any nation or other organisation that the Committee members represent.
We sincerely hope that, even now, the conflict in Ukraine can be resolved peacefully, and we look forward to resuming Russian involvement in the ERF at a suitable time in the future.
-- Pierluigi Capone on behalf of the ERF IC
Action | Date |
Submission of abstract deadline | 18.04.22 |
Notification of authors | 30.05.22 |
Preliminary Programme available | 15.05.22 |
Programme & registration forms available | 30.05.22 |
Submission of final paper deadline | 22.08.22 |
Deadline Registration | 09.09.22 |
ERF 2022 | 05. - 09.09.22 |