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Projekt 2024 Ziele    
Zero-Config Event Monitoring System (ZEMS)
UAV On-Board Kommunikationssystem    
NAFTAQ: Novel AFM Techniques for Autonomous Quality Control in Industrial Manufacturing    
Projekt 2023 Ziele    
Control platform for gallium nitride-based power converter      
Kollaboratives Mikroinverter-Netzwerk mit Schwarmintelligenz      
IOTA: Internet of Things # Amfora. A Swiss Digital Solution for Global Foodservice
High Speed Networking Switch for Surgical Research    
Entwicklung und Bau eines Sensorträgers für das drohnengestützte Messen von Methan- und CO2-Konzentrationen in bodennahen Luftschichten  
Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Highly Parallel Processing Platform for safe and secure AI (REBECCA)    
Projekt 2022 Ziele    
SUM - Low Power Monitoring    
TSN-based distributed precision measurement system    
DISTRAL: Industrial Process Monitoring for Injection Molding with Distributed Transfer Learning    
CI/CD for PROFINET Conformance Test  
SAVEDGE: Scalable AV Platform for Edge AI Computing
Selbstlernender Algorithmus zur automatischen Balancierung des Füllverhaltens und zur Viskositätsregelung bei Mehrkavitätenwerkzeugen      
Projekt 2021 Ziele    
Low Power Actuator
Voraussage Berührungen    
Novel high-speed, low latency distributed data link for precision measurement systems in demanding environments    
Pilot study machine learning for injection molding processes    
Augmented Reality Brille    
User Assistance Systems for Smart Commercial Buildings    
Demonstrator für IEEE802.3 / APL - Ph2      
High performance security in embedded networked components with hard real time deadlines    
Projekt 2020 Ziele    
Precise Time Synchronization for Industrial Time-sensitive Networks (TSN)             
Demonstrator für IEEE802.3 / APL      
Lithotripsy with Artificial Intelligence    
Low-power Sensor    
Low-cost device for efficient cook stoves monitoring    
Remote und Hands-On Netzwerklabor    
High speed communication link for atomic force microscope instrumentation    
Smart Water Pipes